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General terms and conditions of business

On this page you will find the general terms and conditions for our seminars and courses.

General Terms and Conditions

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Information about participating in seminars

Please read the registration and participation conditions, withdrawal rules, etc. carefully; they are an integral part of the registration.
Unless otherwise noted, the seminars will be led by Bruno Manser . You can find his contact address here .
Information about the seminar content is available from Bruno Manser on +41 76 495 47 70, , unless otherwise stated.

Registration & payment mode

After registering via the website, you will receive from me approx. 4 weeks before the seminar starts:

  • all necessary documents

  • For some events a questionnaire is used for personal preparation and will be treated confidentially by me

In well-founded cases, a reduction can be discussed. If there are places available, the discount also applies to those who repeat a seminar to deepen their experience.

Withdrawal conditions

  •   If you cancel up to 3 weeks before the start of the seminar, 15% of the participation fee must be paid.

  • If you withdraw later (less than 3 weeks), the entire participation fee is due unless a replacement person can be found.

  • If you cancel early, the seminar fee will not be refunded


Participation is voluntary. Each person participating is responsible for themselves during the seminars and is liable for any damage resulting from their behavior. This means: Organizers, seminar leaders and hosts at the event locations are exempt from all liability claims. Insurance is the responsibility of the participants.

Anyone who is undergoing medical or psychotherapeutic treatment should clarify with the therapist whether participation is possible. Infectious diseases exclude participation.


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